
7 Health Benefits Of Turmeric (Haldi) That You Should Know

A close cousin in looks and appearance to the quintessential ginger. Turmeric roots are used fresh or boiled in water and dried, after which they are ground into a powder. Turmeric powder is sunset-yellow in colour. It has a slightly pungent, bitter flavour and earthy aroma.

Turmeric contains curcuminoids like curcumin which imparts a vibrant yellow colour, dimethoxy curcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin and volatile oils like turmerone, atlantone, zingiberone and sugars, proteins and resins.

Health Benefits of Turmeric Are:

 1    Anti-Inflammatory         

Research has shown curcumin to be highly effective in reducing inflammation. The anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin is most likely mediated through its ability to inhibit cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), lipoxygenase (LOX) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS).

         Powerful Anti-Oxidant:

Curcumin is also a powerful anti-oxidant and thus protects our body from free radicals, reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.

3         Delays Diabetes:

Curcumin present in turmeric delays the onset of type 2 diabetes by  inhibiting the formation of inflammatory cytokines and thus having a favourable effect on  blood glucose levels.  

 4    Immunity Booster:

Turmeric also boosts immunity levels. Its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties protect us from a variety of infections. Many doctors highly recommend taking a teaspoon full of Turmeric in a glass of warm milk every day to keep the common cold and flu at bay.

5    Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases:

The anti-oxidant property of curcumin found in turmeric may prevent heart diseases and diabetic cardiovascular complications. Curcumin also reduces serum cholesterol levels and protects against the pathological changes occurring with atherosclerosis

6    Reduces Risk of Cancer:

·         Curcumin interferes with the growth and development of cancer cells and prevents their spread at the minutest molecular level. Thus, it effectively reduces the risk of new cancerous growth.

7    Improves Bone Health:

Supplements of Curcumin when given to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, shows significant improvements in pain and joint functioning.

Curcumin also safeguards bone tissue and prevents bone loss.

Ideal Dose of Turmeric:

It is not advisable to consume more than 5 tsp of turmeric per day.

How to consume turmeric?

  •     Turmeric can be used in cooking in a variety of dishes for colour and taste.
  •     To achieve maximum health benefits, consume turmeric with black pepper, as a compound named piperine in black pepper increases the absorption of turmeric in the body.
  •     Turmeric in milk also known as ‘Golden Milk ‘ or ‘Haldi Doodh’ has immense positive effects on the body.